Hopeful that putting this post up will banish the hot weather for good. We got together with some wildly talented people dined on Summer's bounty and wrote and performed some amazing scenes based on summer memories. We had such a good time we forgot to really take pictures- let me just say there were plays about chess, drunken flies, and some vicious jet skis.
BACK WEST: artist workshop & retreat
This July Hannah and I spearheaded a retreat at my favorite place in the world- the Oregon Coast. We wanted to make a productive, non-product oriented space where creative genesis and self-care were paramount. There ended up being four of us with help and contribution from many friends and family in the North West.
Back West refers to going home in a literal sense for me, but also as a way of creating a cozy creative home, with communal meals, collaborative exercises, and feed back on individual projects. Each participant brought a project and lead a workshop. From devised movement pieces inspired by wildlife on the beach, to on camera auditions and character workshops each it was a wild time. I thoroughly felt nourished, I saw the buds of projects flourish, and I had a grand old time.
Look out for information on future retreats and future iterations of the work developed during Back West in the coming months.
SPRING: seasonal salon
Back at the end of Spring a few Ratties got together for our first Seasonal Salon: SPRING. It was the perfect remedy for pre-summer creative slump. We had an excellent collection of essays, haikus, dadaist poems, and live drawing. It was a ball.
by Lauren Slakter
Preparing for Picnic Weather
Thinking about what it is to have tenacious, whimsical, nurturing friends and spaces- we got together with the dear Lorin Anderberg to make this lil piece.
Throw Back to ANTS GO MARCHING round 1
After a lovely and intimate showing of a reimagined Ants Go Marching last week at the Dixon Place lounge. We thought we'd share a little from the first go back in October. Look out for more pictures from January's performance and up coming Rat King projects coming up!
Rat King chats with MOSH. about Ants, food, & vodka.
Earlier this month Krystalla and I sat down with MOSH. and chatted about Rat King's origins, our last play Point of Origin, and our up coming work. Check it out the full interview here: MOSH. Arts
And don't forget to reserve your tickets for Ants Go Marching & Other Moments happening this Saturday, October 1st at the Wild Project.
Original iteration of Ants Go Marching Fall 2015. Photo by Jon Vachon
Updates and Coming Ups
After a summer of European travels involving theater and feasting, Rat King Theatre is reunited back in New York- and we've got a show! October 1st 7:30pm at The Wild Project.
Ants Go Marching & Other Moments will premier two works in progress Ants Go Marching and pieces from 151 Ludlow. Just in time for the change of season, these pieces each look at how we deal with the passage of time and change of place both in the world and our lives.
Admission by donation.
Thanks a Bunch!
A huge shout of gratitude to all who came, ate, supported Point of Origin!
Still time to Donate to Point of Origin!
Like any good feast, Point of Origin is an ambitious project and we need your support. There are still a few days left to donate to our Indiegogo Campaign. Click the fish below to find out more about our story and process, and contribute.
Crowdfunding for Point of Origin is now Live!
Like any great dinner party Point of Origin is an ambitious project. Friends, supporters, colleagues - anything you can contribute to help us stage this delicious work is greatly appreciated!
Drink, Sing, Support!
To help raise funds for our up coming project Point of Origin we'll be drinking, singing, and celebrating at Brooklyn Height's historic watering hole MONTERO's, 73 Atlantic Ave (also one Travel & Leisure's most beloved Brooklyn haunts).
The fun starts at 8pm, March 10th. $7 for a wristband will get you drink specials, enter you in our raffle, and most importantly, help bring this story about food and identity to life! Not to mention 9pm-ish begins the best Karaoke in the Tri-state area.
Direction for Point of Origin
Rat King Theatre is very excited to bring Bridget Balodis and Ann Noling on board to direct Point Origin! In keeping with our theme of inter-hemispheric cooperation, Balodis (from Melbourne, Australia and recent Green Room Award Nominee) and Noling (native Brooklynite) are working with our fantastic cast to bring this piece to life.
Residency for the Ratties
We were just accepted as a part of The Brick's Spring 2016 residency! Point of Origin will have it's premiere end of April 2016.
Krystalla and one of our Creative Consultant's HannaH Allen are getting pumped for our photoshoot in classic style.